
Näytetään blogitekstit, joiden ajankohta on joulukuu, 2017.

Notes about CollectivISM (vs. the Individual)

Collective vs. individual in today's thinking (marxism, socialism, feminism and many other isms.., "utopianism"). Auguste Comte was the founder of positivism, influenced by utopian socialist Henri Saint-Simon and was a great influence on 19th-century thought. Comte influenced Karl Marx, John Stuart Mill etc. The word "altruism" is attributed to Comte for being the originator. Again altruism ("you before me" which eventually empties the "me=I" (individual immersing into the collective). TODAY'S SOCIETAL THINKING IS CULT LIKE. Same goes with "diversity" which is yet another form of collectivism under the guise of "individuals in community being different" (but in actuality sameness is promoted under "equality") and is put forth via soft persuasion with undertones of "if you are against it = you are a bad person" and social disapproval ensues. This influence is man